Thursday 27 March 2014

School Shoes Shoes From Wht 90s For Women For Men For Girls Size Chart Clipart 2014 Tumblr Online For Women High Heels

School Shoes Biography

When I was new, I was a pair of beautiful shoes. I had a shiny surface and a soft leather body. When I was displayed in a shop window, all the passers by always took a glance at me, because of my shiny appearance and my different style attracted people’s eyes. I was proud of my unique style.
One day, a young gentleman walked into the shop. This gentleman walked straight towards me, he pointed at me and asked a shop assistant to take me off the display shelf. He put me on his feet and the size exactly fitted him. When I saw him grinning with delight, I knew he would be my owner. I looked forward to my new life with him.
Since my owner bought me, he always chose me to wear to his important functions. The first time I was worn by my owner was when he went to a cocktail party but he got drunk. When he walked home, he suddenly felt sick and vomited all he had eaten. It was too late to dodge the dirty things and my body was all covered with his vomit, it was disgusting. Also my owner felt I was dirty and he left me in the garage. After a few days, I thought he had forgotten about me and my body started to grow mould. I was very sad that my owner treated me so badly. My shiny appearance was gradually discoloring. My awful appearance also attracted other fans. A tricky mouse was interested in my shoelaces. It came day by day and nibbled it. Also cockroaches appreciated my soft leather body. They made nests inside the shoes and started their family. I was devastated.
Finally, one day, my owner came into the garage to look for something. He found me lying in the corner of the garage. I felt my hope was regained. My life would return. Actually he did notice me, he did take me to cleanup, but he didn’t appreciate my old appearance. Since then, he has never worn me again to a party and I became his working shoes.
One day, he wore me to the garden to mow the grass. The mower machine was roaring aggressively, it looked as if it would eat up everything. I tried to avoid touching the mower, in case I got hurt. My owner looked very rushed. Unfortunately, his foot was trapped in the mower. The sharp blades quickly peeled my skin off. Luckily I protected my owner’s foot so he didn’t get hurt. But I got a big injury; I was ruined by the sharp blades. I totally became a worn out old shoe. At that moment, through my mind flashed the thought that, once I was a beautiful a pair of shoes displayed in a shop window, once I attracted all the passers-by who glanced at me. But now I would be ending my insipid life in the rubbish bin.
Sitting in an alley full of trash and rats and a few hissing mangy cats I thought about myself. I am a disgusting, dirty, rotten, old running shoe. I oldsneakerhave been here for about three years, making me five. I had once been a white and shiny silver new Balance shoe belonging to a famous athlete. Now my laces are yellow and the rest of me am a yellowy brownie colour with holes all over my soles. My thoughts start to wander to what I used to be and who I used to belong to.

I had been brand new, sitting on the shelf. One day a famous athlete came into the shop who the manager recognised but I didn’t. He scrutinised each shoe closely then he saw me. He picked me up and took me over to the manager and said that I was the one he wanted. The manager picked me up and put me and my twin in a box. The athlete picked us up and got into his shiny silver sports car on the seat next to him.

When we arrived at the athlete’s house, which was more like a mansion than a house, he took us inside and tried us on. Apparently we were better than his old shoes. We went out for a test run which was close to twenty kilometres. When we arrived home he took us off and said to himself, “I have a strange feeling that I will win a great many races with these shoes.”

It turned out that the athlete was right. He won lots and lots of races with us and a few other sporting events as well. The athlete was very proud of me and my twin. He showed us off to all the other athletes and bragged about us.

Everything was perfect until he went out without us one day. That wasn’t very unusual, he went out without us quite often, but this time he came back with a brand new pair of shoes. After that he wore us less and less until he never wore us at all, so we stayed in the bottom of the wardrobe.

School Shoes Shoes From Wht 90s For Women For Men For Girls Size Chart Clipart 2014 Tumblr Online For Women High Heels

School Shoes Shoes From Wht 90s For Women For Men For Girls Size Chart Clipart 2014 Tumblr Online For Women High Heels

School Shoes Shoes From Wht 90s For Women For Men For Girls Size Chart Clipart 2014 Tumblr Online For Women High Heels

School Shoes Shoes From Wht 90s For Women For Men For Girls Size Chart Clipart 2014 Tumblr Online For Women High Heels

School Shoes Shoes From Wht 90s For Women For Men For Girls Size Chart Clipart 2014 Tumblr Online For Women High Heels

School Shoes Shoes From Wht 90s For Women For Men For Girls Size Chart Clipart 2014 Tumblr Online For Women High Heels

School Shoes Shoes From Wht 90s For Women For Men For Girls Size Chart Clipart 2014 Tumblr Online For Women High Heels

School Shoes Shoes From Wht 90s For Women For Men For Girls Size Chart Clipart 2014 Tumblr Online For Women High Heels

School Shoes Shoes From Wht 90s For Women For Men For Girls Size Chart Clipart 2014 Tumblr Online For Women High Heels

School Shoes Shoes From Wht 90s For Women For Men For Girls Size Chart Clipart 2014 Tumblr Online For Women High Heels

School Shoes Shoes From Wht 90s For Women For Men For Girls Size Chart Clipart 2014 Tumblr Online For Women High Heels

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